Jenevora's Knowledge Centre
For Teachers
Children's Vocal Health
Interview in Music Teacher Magazine 24.10.24
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How valid is scientific voice research?
How can we get behind the meaning of published research papers, and how much can we trust the experts to have found the truths?
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Did I really mean to say that?
Communication, language and meaning
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Learning for Teaching
Teachers need to be learners
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Why meet force with force?
Where singing reflects diplomacy
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Vibrato in singers
An explanation of how and why vibrato happens in the voice
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Tilting - a Quixotic pursuit?
Why is is not useful to ask a singer to 'tilt' the larynx
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Help, I’m not an Alto!
In a choir - why it is ok for singers to join a voice part which is not their usual one, and the occasions when we don’t.
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Glossary of terms relating to voice and vocal health
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The child’s voice – what it can and can’t do
Possibilities and limitations of the developing voice
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Singing during Voice Change: Boiling Frogs and Tipping Points
An Article published in the VASTA Journal, July 2019
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For Students
Sensory Deceptions
The most important systems of our bodies that we use for singing are often the ones we can't feel
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Growth Mindset
Written in 2020 by Dana Lentini
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Testosterone and the voice: FAQs for adolescent voice change
Frequently asked questions about testosterone-related voice change
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Warm-ups for singers
How is the best way to warm up our voices?
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How to practise
A step-by-step guide, from 5-minute sessions to more immersive practice
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How your voice works
A short and simple guide to what your body does when you sing
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Research-based Publications
 'Ring' in the solo child singing voice
Howard, D., Williams, J., & Herbst, C. (2014). 'Ring' in the solo child singing voice. Journal of Voice, 28(2), 161-169.
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The implications of intensive singing training on the vocal health and development of boy choristers in an English cathedral choir
PhD thesis 2010, Dr Jenevora Williams
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The use of spectrographic feedback in real time as a teaching resource
Howard, D., Brereton, J., Welch, G., Himonides, E., DeCosta, M., Williams, J., & Howard, A. (2007). Are real-time displays of benefit in the singing studio? An exploratory study. Journal of Voice, 21(1), 20-34.
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Warm-ups: what exactly are we trying to achieve?
A research paper written with Dr Alan Watson, Cardiff University
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Cathedral Choirs in the United Kingdom: the professional boy chorister
Summary of research into the vocal health and development of the professional boy chorister 2010
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Which sung pitch range is best for boys during voice change?
Journal of Voice Vol. 35, Issue 4, p581–588, Published online: January 13, 2020. Jenevora Williams, Graham F Welch, David M. Howard
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Vocal Health
Steroids for Voice Inflammation
This is a summary of when a singer can take steroids to reduce inflammation
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A sensation of something in the throat, even if you know there is nothing there.
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Keeping a Vocal Health Diary
If your voice is feeling not quite right, this can be a simple way to begin to find out what might be going on.
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Reflux and other persistent throat symptoms
‘Persistent throat symptoms’ is a term that covers all sensations that we may be feeling in the throat, but that may not directly affect voice quality.
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Leaflets published by the British Voice Association
A series of leaflets on Vocal Health
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Vocal Health – more than a voice
Holistic thinking in voice rehabilitation
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What is a Voice Rehabilitation Coach?
Where Voice Rehabilitation fits alongside clinical treatment and singing lessons
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Recovery after significant illness or surgery
This is some general guidance for voice users who are recovering from illness that is not necessarily voice-related but has an impact on the whole body.
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Muscle Tension Dysphonia
What are the symptoms and what might be the causes of the most commonly diagnosed voice disorder
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Interdisciplinary rehabilitative practice
What is the singing teacher's role in the interdisciplinary team Published in PAVA InFormant 2022 Vol 3 Issue 2
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Vocal Health for Children and Teachers
Vocal Health guidance for everyone; this is especially useful for classroom teachers
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